Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Easter Rehearsal

In this rehearsal we did worked on act 1. Because I was not there for the tech run I had to watch Luke's performance, and get movements and stage positioning from that, the only thing I had to change was how early in the Goat scene I had to get down from the top block. Up to now I had been up on the block until the part when Lisa talk about her hour, but now I am down from the block after my first line, meaning I have to very the way I move around the stage and work on my proxemics. This run was a good opportunity to work on this, I wanted to make sure that I moved around enough to keep the audience interested but not so much that it detracted from what I was saying or looked forced. Me and Holly both had to make sure we were both further downstage as well so we are in the right lights.

I also got a chance to work on my non verbal communication once Jane enters. I don't have many lines so I have to show my emotion and frustration through my body language and facial expression. One of the things I want to get into my performance is a distinct change in Laben's System of Efforts. I feel that there is a dramatic change when I tie the rope round her. It goes from a low number to a high number, perhaps from a 3 to a 5 or 6. This is something that has helped my in rehearsals to show a dramatic change.

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