The format of the variety show came originally from the victorian era stage to radio and to television. Variety shows were a staple of English language television from its early days in the late 1940’s into the 1980’s. The format is almost identical to that of music hall in the United Kingdom, which was popular form 1850 to 1960, or Vaudeville in the United States, from the 1880's to the 1930'sThe evolution of variety performance in the UK started in theatres and music halls, and then later on it evolved into working mens clubs. This was so that it was more accessible to people who couldn’t afford to go to music halls as this was only more for the higher class and the wealthy. They were there almost for the sole purpose of taking the weeks wages from the lower class as it would have been the only large social meet ups that the people would have had so they spent their weeks wages on drink and food. Most of the early performers on British television and radio had an apprenticeship history in either stage variety, or during World War II, they could have done apprenticeships in Entertainments National Service Association (ENSA). It was seen as the highest accolade in UK variety performance to be asked to perform in the Royal Command Performance which was held at the London Palladium Theatre. This Variety show was held in front of the monarch which is similar to todays Royal Variety Performance which is held still in front of royalty.
Music Halls
Music halls can be traced back to 18th century taverns and coffee houses in London where business men would meet to eat, drink and do business. Whilst they were eating and drinking, performers would sing sings to entertain the men and by the 1830s there were rooms solely used for musical clubs. The popularity of these were so great the two or three times a week there were Saturday evening Singsongs.
Music Hall is a type of British entertainment that was popular mainly between 1850 and 1960. It mainly included acts such as popular songs, comedy, speciality acts and variety entertainment. The term 'Music Hall' comes from the type of venue and theatre in which this type of entertainment took place. British Music Hall was very similar to the American Vaudeville.
In the 1830s, saloon bars within pubs housed the first music hall entertainment and these became so increasingly popular that the public houses eventually got demolished and in their place Music hall theatres were put up. The saloon was a room normally at the back of a pub where the variety entertainment would take place. Some of the most famous London saloon were the Grecian Saloon which was at The Eagle in East London. It was established in 1825 and was a former tea-garden. It has been known as "The father, mother, the dry and wet nurse of the Music Hall." It was so popular that the famous nursery rhyme 'Pop Goes The Weasel' references it. The lyrics go:
Up and down the City Road
In and out The Eagle
That's the way the money goes
Pop goes the weasel.
City Road was where The Eagle was and it implies that lots of money is spent on drinks and probably entertainment. Charles Dickens was known to visit the Music Hall often. In 1883 it was bought by the Salvation Army who were very much against Music Halls and drinking. The building was later demolished in 1901 and re-built as a Public House.
The new music hall theatres meant that more and more people could attend and the popularity would only increase. The new music hall theatres meant as well as more and more people attending, people could eat drink and smoke during the performances. They were built with this in mind so there were lots of tables for people to sit around and watch the entertainment and there were not rows of seats, and a separate bar area. Early music halls included the Canterbury Music Hall in Lambeth, Wilton's Music Hall in Tower Hamlets and The Middlesex in Drury Lane, which was also known as the Old Mo.
The Interior of Oxford Music Hall, London, late 19th century. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
The Canterbury Music Hall is often seen as the first true Music Hall. It was built by Charles Morton on the site of a skittle alley which was next to his pub, the Canterbury Tavern, on Westminster Bridge Road in Lambeth. The Canterbury Music Hall was dubbed "the Father of the Halls" The author Benny Green said that the opening date of the Canterbury on the 17th May 1852 was "the most significant date in all the history of Music Hall".
Vaudeville is a genre of variety entertainment that originated in the United States of America. Its main era of existence was from the early 1880s to the early 1930s. Although it did not last as long as the British Music Hall, it still had a large impact on Variety Performance as we know it today. Similarly to Music Hall, the types of performers included popular and classical music, comedians, animal acts, magicians, acrobatics and minstrels, as well as other performers. Vaudeville performers were referred to as a 'Vaudevillian'.
Vaudeville was seen as 'the heart of American show business' and for a long time was one of, if not the most popular types of entertainment that was available in North America during the time it was in full flow. Although the origin of the term Vaudeville is not know, is it believed to come from the French 'voix de ville' which translates as 'Voice of the City', it might have been known as this because of its huge popularity throughout North America. Tony Pastor, a theatre owner and a founding force behind Vaudeville and known as 'the Father of Vaudeville' said that he felt the term Vaudeville was 'sissy and Frenchified' and because of this the term Vaudeville was just called 'Variety' because he felt that this term was more accessible to all classes. What made Vaudeville different from Music Hall was that Vaudeville had more mixed gender audiences and that there was usually alcohol free venues, unlike the drinking halls of Britain, even though the prohibition was not in place until the 1920s. This showed that in Britain people drunk with entertainment almost being second best to drink whereas in America, people went to these shows purely to see the entertainment and there was nothing else to distract them from what they were watching.
The demise of Vaudeville began in the early 1910s because of the boom of low priced cinemas. The first showing of movies for the public happened in Vaudeville halls in 1896. People went to the cinema because of the cheaper prices and because of the wider range of entertainment that was available on screen.
Different Types of Act
Character Songs - Character songs are songs which can be sung with no context behind them and still give the audience enough of a story for them to understand what is happening on stage. This meant that they only had to be a few minutes long and there wasn't the need to go to see a full show to get a sung story. An example of some popular character songs are 'Sam Hall' and 'If It Wasn't For The Houses In Between'. Quite often performers would only have one or two songs but the audience would return again and again to see them because they were so enjoyable.
Lions Comiques - Lions Comiques were usually young, fashionable and handsome young men who would sing songs about the high life and drinking champagne like in the song 'Champagne Charlie' which was sung by George Leybourne, arguably the most famous Lion Comique. Lion Comiques have been compared to boy bands of the 1990s in their popularity.
Male and Female Impersonators - Once women were a started to become a big feature in variety performance it was common for women to impersonate men. Although women had played male roles in the 19th century, it was highly unlikely that women would be in variety shows. There was many impersonators but none were quite as successful as Vesta Tilley who was so popular as a male impersonator that she there was speculation around London that she was actually a man and was also seen as a trendsetter for male fashion.
Aerial Acts - Aerial acts often took place on a series of ropes that would be over the audience, adding to the sense of danger. Possibly the most famous aerial acrobat was The Great Léotard, who was the inventor of the flying trapeze act, an act which is used still often to this day, with some adjustments however.
My Two Acts
Having researched many different types of acts that were popular in variety, and having looked at my own skills and talents I narrowed it down to a character song and juggling. After thinking about it more I decided not to do a character sing but to focus on juggling and also to incorporate some card magic.
The word juggling comes from the middle english word 'jogelen' which means to entertain or to perform. It can also be said that it comes from the french word 'jogler' which means to joke or jest.The first recording of juggling in in an Egyptian tomb called Beni Hasan where there is drawing on the wall which depict people throwing balls into the air. This is dated between 1994-1781 B.C although it is believed that juggling was around before this. Through ancient times and into the Middle Ages, jugglers were sometimes persecuted and thought to be witches. In Medieval Europe, the popularity of juggling increased due to storytellers, comic and musicians used juggling alongside their acts to when performing to royalty. It was also a popular form of street performance for entertaining the average person. In the modern era, juggling has been a popular part of circus acts since 1768 when Philip Astley hired jugglers to perform in his troupe. Juggling became a part of American circuses 30 years later. and since these times has been a staple of circus acts.
One of the most famous jugglers of all time is Bobby May. He was alive from 1907-1981. His first professional performance was at the age of 15. He could juggle up to eight balls although it was said he was better with three and five as he did complex bounce tricks and spin moves in these routines. He also had a trick where he could throw a cigarette behind his back and catch it in his mouth, this being followed by a lit match which he also caught in his mouth and used this to light his cigarette.
I will be juggling balls, rings, clubs and eggs as part of my comedy juggling routine as well as incorporating magic and the beginning and at the end of my routine.
Illusion Magic
The first book of magic tricks came out in 1584 although magic tricks would have been performed before this. In the tomb at Beni Hasan, where the juggling drawings are, there is a picture which some believe is a depiction of the 'cups and balls' which is a slight of hand trick. Although it it is not agreed by all that this is what is in the drawing. Magic tricks were very popular during the 18th century.
There are many different types of illusion or stage magic. These range from close-up magic, where the audience is close to the performer, stage illusions, where large props are often used on a large scale and are performed in front of a large audience, escapology, where the performer escapes from an impending sense of danger, and comedy magic, one of the most famous acts being Penn and Teller. I have mainly taken my inspiration from Penn and Teller as I feel their combination of comedy, close up and stage magic is something that I can replicate in my performance.
I have been doing card magic for a few years and so I feel that I can quite happily incorporate this into my act without having to learn too many new things.
My plan for my performance is to start with a magic trick and then juggling and then to finish again with a magic trick.