Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Dance Evaluations and Target Setting for Into The Woods

I will be evaluating my performance of 'Hello Little Girl' from Into The Woods.

I think that I showed good strength in this performance when Jess leans back and I have to hold her there, because I have to make sure that she doesn't fall backwards and all of her weight is on me. I also think I show it when we do the lift because although it is only for a brief moment, I still have to make sure I don't let go of her. I also think that I showed good use of co-ordination, as I had to make sure that my movements mirrored Jess's at times so if my co-ordination was off it would have been obvious from an audience point of view.

I think that my main weakness is use of extension. At the points when me and Jess spin out from each other I felt that my arm could have been fully extended instead of only partially like it was. I also think that my posture could have been a lot stiffer, because it is a tango it should be quite firm, and I think I was a bit too relaxed. This is something that can be improved a number of ways, I plan on using self-assessment and watching videos of myself to help improve this in my future dances. I can also use the mirrors in rehearsals to see as I do it if something looks weak or not the way it should be. I am setting myself the target of improving the extension in my arms. I can do this by doing stretches and using mirrors to make sure that there is good extension form my shoulder right through to the tips of my fingers. I want to have good arm extension by our next dance performance.

I feel that my main strength in performance is how I worked with the music and the use of phrasing, I think it is key in this dance because there are points when the music changes from the Tango feel, when I am singing, to the Little Red Riding Hood part, so we had to make sure that the dance fitted with that and that we were both in time with the music and I think that we performed it well with the music during the performances.

I think that one of my main weaknesses is lack of confidence. It is very obvious to the audience when somebody isn't confident and I think it was when I was performing and so I feel that improving this would mean I could focus more on other aspects of performance such as facial expression and improve on these.

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