Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Grease Dance Lesson 09/01

We started off this lesson by being told that we would be doing an ensemble piece based on Grease. We all came up with what the thought Grease had in it and when it was set. We established that it was set in the 1950s and we thought of some songs and movements such as the Hand Jive and Grease lighting. We then split into groups. In my group was Luke and Max. We were told to come up with a short routine only about 8 counts long or there about that would be based on a dance from Grease that we could then teach to the rest of the class. Our group decided that we would devise something that had the same kind of movements as Greased Lighting. Our moves started with some clicking and twits of the feet. Then we took the arms up and to the side movement from Grease and made it so that it covered more area, this involved running sideways when the arm goes out and then bringing the arm back around and then running back into the middle. After we had done this, we had to teach it to the rest of the class. This was hard because the three of us had different movements so we had to make it so everybody in the class knew who they were copying. After we had taught our, we learnt everybody else’s. We then put all these together to make a short piece that we had all devised ourself. It was so much fun seeing everybody's individual routines come together as one. And then we sorted out a final pose which involved me and Jess doing a shoulder lift where I lifted her onto my shoulder.

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