Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Dancing 16/01.

In todays lesson we did some more work relating to Grease. Emily had choreographed a dance for us to learn that we would be performing in the showcase alongside our singing pieces. 

Some of the moves that were in this dance were in the dances we had choreographed ourselves the week before. We started off with a dance to Greased Lighting which incorporated some of my groups moves into it. We then had some moves which I struggled to get both the legs and the arms doing the right thing together so I mainly focused on the legs for this lesson so I could get them right before thinking about the arms. There was also a slide which I was struggling with because I was wearing shorts and I couldn’t quite slide so for this lesson I just pretended but next time I will be wearing trousers so I will be able to slide properly.  

After we had learnt all the moves to the songs, the hand jive section of the song in pairs. At this point I had to go and do some singing with Kim so I missed how it worked in pairs. They were thankfully the same moves that we had learnt earlier but they were just set out in a slightly different way so I didn’t have too much to catch up on when I got back. I did struggle with the turns and the directions that some of the turns went. But keeping an eye on other people in the class when I was doing it helped to understand and hopefully in our next rehearsal I will be able to get it right without looking at other people meaning my focus will be where it’s supposed to be. 

I was really happy with most of the moves and although I may not have got everything spot on this time, I will be able to use the next few rehearsals before the performance to get everything right.

I found it really useful having both Kat and Emily there to ask questions to because there were a few times that I wasn’t sure on a particular move and they were both really good at helping me get to grips with bits I was struggling with.

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