Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Evaluations of Performance 17th December 4.30

17th December     4.30 Performance

I felt that overall that this performance went well. Because it was our first performance, I think that there were lots of nerves and so this didn't really help. But after everybody had got used to being on stage then everybody became more confident and the individual performances got better. I especially felt that after my first appearance as the Wolf, I settled in to the performance and by the end of the first performance I was a lot more confident with being onstage. I think that during this performance, because I was still nervous, and this detracted from my projection and I don't think I gave the role all that I could. I think that it did improve throughout the first performance and I was more relaxed towards the end so I could focus on projection and acting rather than being nervous. I felt that at times when I was onstage with other people, that I was always facing the audience and made sure that everybody else on stage on visible, for example as the prince, when I am onstage with the steward, Baker and bakers wife, we are all on the same side of the stage so I had to make sure that everybody was visible but still project to the audience at the same time. Another challenge that I thought went well was coming on as the Wolf dressed as granny, and having Granny and Little Red Riding Hood coming out from behind me because I had to stay close enough to the bed that it didn't look too silly. 


I think that my singing in this performance wasn't as good as it had been in rehearsals and I think this was due to being nervous. I think my intonation was slightly off. I also don't think that I warmed up my voice enough and so it wasn't quite as good as it could have been. I was happy with my range in 'Agony' because I managed to reach the high note and not have it sound like I was straining too much. I was also happy with the ensemble pieces, especially when the men and women split there are more women so the men have to project and sing a lot louder.


I think that considering the floor outside, I was really happy with the 'Hello Little Girl' Dance. I think that I was not in as much in my character as I could have been because of the focus I had on the dance and the singing. I was also happy with the ensemble dance at the end because I felt I was more relaxed and so I could get into character better than I had been able to do as the Wolf. 

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